Partnering for Conservation
The Metro Big Rivers Partnership, led by the Minnesota Valley Trust, is building a cohesive network of significant habitat with an emphasis on the 3 big river corridors and tributaries in the greater Twin Cities metropolitan area.
What is the Metro Big Rivers Partnership?
This partnership of 5 experienced conservation organizations acquires, restores and enhances habitat to benefit migrating and resident waterfowl, birds, pollinators and wildlife AND the 3 million residents who live in the Twin Cities metro area.
The work of Metro Big Rivers is possible with financial support from Minnesota’s Outdoor Heritage Fund as recommended by the Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council (LSOHC).
How Did It Come About?
Minnesota voters overwhelmingly approved the Legacy Amendment in 2008, adding ⅜ percent to the state sales tax to invest in our outdoor heritage, clean water, parks and trails, and arts and cultural heritage. Spending of the Outdoor Heritage Funds is guided by the Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council (LSOHC), a citizen-legislative commission that recommends appropriations to the Minnesota Legislature.
The Metro Big Rivers Partnership (MBR) has worked with the LSOHC and received funding from the Outdoor Heritage Fund (OHF) almost annually since 2010. As of December 2022, MBR has acquired, restored and/or enhanced over 8,000 acres of significant habitat in the Twin Cities metro area for wildlife and people. Partners are currently working on expanding and improving habitat on another 2,000 acres in the metro area.
Our Vision
Metro Big Rivers’ vision is a cohesive network of significant habitat for wildlife in the 3 big river corridors and tributaries in the Twin Cities metro area, benefiting migrating and resident waterfowl, birds, pollinators and wildlife AND the 3 million residents of the metro area.
MBR has invested over $24.5 million in OHF funds and leveraged those funds almost 50% with private and other funds ($11.6 million). In addition, volunteers invest hundreds of hours on MBR habitat projects every year, further leveraging the state investment and giving Twin Cities residents of all ages hands-on experience in conservation.
Metro Big Rivers Partners
Our Partners
The Minnesota Valley Trust thanks the funding partners that help us acquire and restore land for the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge & Wetland Management District.