Mission & Vision
The Minnesota Valley Trust assists in making the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge a premier urban refuge by expanding and improving opportunities for the public to connect with wildlife and nature.
Strategic Framework 2019-2024
Our Strategic Framework 2019-24 calls for the Trust to assist the USFWS in making the Refuge a premier urban wildlife refuge that:
Protects, restores, and enhances large blocks and corridors of habitat to provide sustainable landscapes for people and wildlife and improve water quality in the Minnesota River
Provides opportunities for Twin Cities residents to access the Refuge and connect with wildlife, plants and the Minnesota River in a diversity of ways meaningful to them
Increases connections with a diversity of residents in the Twin Cities through outreach programming that meets residents of all ages and backgrounds in their communities, introduces them to the natural world and draws them to visit and experience the Refuge themselves
Engages a diversity of people as volunteers, interns and employees to improve Refuge habitat, meet Refuge educational objectives and build a conservation ethic throughout the community
Introduces children to the wonders of the natural outdoors through educational and interpretive programming, thereby building a pool of future conservationists, employees, volunteers, advocates and philanthropists
Today, the Trust engages in the following priority activities:
Invests in strategic land acquisition and habitat restoration and enhancement for the Refuge
Supports special projects and investments to provide a positive, inspiring experience on the Refuge for a diversity of visitors
Invests in activities to connect more people and a diversity of people with the Refuge
The Trust’s current strategic framework is available here.
To learn more about our current work, see some of our land restoration projects.
Are you a landowner?
If you own land and want to learn how it can become part of the Refuge, contact us at info@mnvalleytrust.org or 952-207-0247. Review some Frequently Asked Questions.
Our Partners
The Minnesota Valley Trust thanks the funding partners that help us make the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge a premier urban refuge!